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Procedure, Recovery, Risks

Abdominoplasty – Procedure, Recovery, Risks

``tummy tuck`` or ``abdominoplasty

Abdominoplasty in Turkey

Abdominoplasty surgery is one of the treatment methods that have been started to be applied as a result of the developments in medicine in recent years for individuals with excess fat, skin excess, sagging and similar problems in the abdomen for various reasons.

Although it can be seen in both genders, looseness and sagging in the abdominal region, which is frequently seen especially in women and in the post-pregnancy period, can be stretched and given a smooth appearance with the help of a simple operation applied with aesthetic surgery methods.

In this way, the sagging skin appearance is eliminated, excess fat is removed and the abdominal region is flattened, especially the cracks in the part below the belly button are eliminated.

Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) surgeries are a solution approach for skin sagging in the abdomen and underbelly area, and fat that cannot be removed by diet and exercise.

What is Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)?

The name of the aesthetic surgical intervention applied to remove the sagging that occurs in the abdominal region and has a negative effect on the psychology of the person in terms of aesthetics is “tummy tuck” among the people and “Abdominoplasty” operation in medical terminology. The type of surgery, which succeeds in correcting the physical silhouette of the body after the operation, carries certain risks, as in all other surgical interventions.

These risks, which will be explained to you in detail by your surgeon, are also closely related to your standard lifestyle habits. Smoking and alcohol use, insufficient exercise or the lack of exercise in your life are effective on the success of the operation. The protruding navel protrusion, which adversely affects the posture of all kinds of clothes such as trousers, skirts and dresses, disappears to a large extent after this surgery. The operation, which clarifies the waist line and promises a flatter abdomen than before the operation, is performed through an incision made just above the pubic region and below the navel.

This incision, which is longer than the cesarean line, is sufficient to perform the mini abdominoplasty operation. When the upper abdomen is also stretched, the location of the belly button is changed.

What Is Aimed With Abdominoplasty?

Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) operation aims for a flat stomach and a younger body silhouette. In addition to excessive lubrication and sagging in the belly and abdomen, if there is fat in the waist and hip area, tummy tuck operation can be performed together with liposuction. Loosening of the skin tissue due to aging can also be removed with this surgery. Some weight loss is also observed by stretching the abdominal muscles and skin.

After abdominoplasty surgery, 1-2 size reduction is expected in body measurements. It is also easier to achieve a bikini body, thanks to a flat stomach and a belly that is no longer saggy. With the help of the exercise you will start after the recovery period after the surgery, it is possible to make the silhouette obtained by the operation smoother. With the tummy tuck operation, the physical appearance improves and the self-confidence of the person is refreshed. High self-confidence and a positive mood are aimed thanks to the aesthetic intervention, which also provides significant contributions to the person psychologically.

Who and What Situations Is Abdominoplasty Applied to?

It is a body shaping method used by men and women in people who have excess in the abdominal region that cannot be removed despite all diet and exercise efforts. Abdominoplasty, which is a preferred type of aesthetic surgery after births by cesarean section or in cases where excessive weight gain, such as multiple pregnancies, is also preferred, is applied to people whose body has undergone deformation.

After such situations, people with abdominal skin and muscle structure that do not return to their normal and tight state spontaneously can easily regain their former form. Abdominoplasty surgery is recommended for patient candidates who do not have chronic diseases and are suitable for anesthesia. Because chronic diseases that may prevent blood clotting, such as diabetes, are an important obstacle to performing this type of surgery. It is important that the patient does not have such ailments in order for the wounds to heal, to prevent various complications, and for the surgical process to be successful.

What Should Be Done During the Preparation Process for Abdominoplasty?

After the abdominoplasty surgery is decided, following the doctor’s instructions about the use of vitamins and various drugs, smoking and alcohol consumption is of great importance for the success of the result. If you have a habit of smoking and drinking alcohol, it is recommended to completely quit these habits at least 2 weeks before the surgery.

If a cold, flu or any other illness develops while waiting for the surgery, it would be more beneficial to postpone the surgery. It is also beneficial to avoid activities such as excessive exercise, sunbathing, and low-calorie diets in this process. Activities such as balanced diet, meditation, outdoor walking, which positively affect the healing process, provide benefits both psychologically and physically. Abdominoplasty surgeries are not covered by insurance coverage in many cases. Therefore, you should also find out whether your pre-operative insurance policy covers this operation.

What are Abdominoplasty Techniques?

abdominoplasty in turkeyComprehensive tummy tuck surgeries are normally expected to be completed in 2-4 hours. In mini abdominoplasty surgeries, this period is approximately 1-2 hours. In general tummy tuck surgery, the incision positioned above the pubic region is opened between both hip bones.

A second incision is made to cut off the navel’s relationship with other tissues. While the location of the navel does not change in mini abdominoplasty surgeries, the location of the belly button may change in general abdominoplasty surgeries. The skin tissue is stretched from all sides towards the ribs and a large surface is lifted from its fixed position to define the underlying muscles. The resulting abdominal muscles are brought together in the middle and fixed by suturing in their newly formed state. After these procedures, the skin on the upper surface is pulled down and stretched well.

The belly button is placed in its new place and stitched and fixed. A drain is placed on the surgical site during the intervention to remove unwanted blood and edema from accumulating inside. These tubes allow the blood and fluid in the wound to be expelled. Tummy tuck surgeries are often performed under general anesthesia. However, local anesthesia is also applied in mini abdominoplasty surgeries. However, being aware of the stretching and pulling processes in local anesthesia is not preferred as it may cause sensitivity in the patient even if no pain is felt.

Surgery and Recovery Process

The recovery period after surgery differs according to the person’s metabolism and quality of life. The length of stay in the hospital can vary from a few hours to several days. It is normal to experience pain and pain sensitivity in the first few days. You are expected to overcome this situation with the help of antibiotics and painkillers that your doctor will give you.

Acting according to your doctor’s advice on issues such as taking a shower and renewing dressings will accelerate the healing process. The stitches on the skin surface are removed after about 1 week and since the other stitches are aesthetic stitches, they dissolve on their own. Scar scars gradually get lighter and decrease after about 1 year. However, it is not expected to disappear completely. However, since it is located in the bikini line, it cannot be noticed at first glance from the outside. Although a straight posture is not expected after the first week, it is important to start walking.

It is beneficial to start physical activities and exercises as soon as possible in order to feel your old form faster. It is important not to choose heavy activities that will accelerate recovery after surgery, including for people who have exercised before.

New Appearance After Abdominoplasty

In terms of physical appearance, you gain a perfect silhouette after the surgery. One of the most successful results of abdominoplasty surgeries is your transformation into a happier and more positive individual, thanks to the self-confidence that your new and flawless appearance brings to you. By adopting a balanced life and keeping your diet in a stable and beneficial line, you can continue to use your new image for many years.

Since tummy tuck surgery is a suitable type of operation for women who do not think of a new pregnancy process in the near term and men who have partially reached their ideal weight, maintaining this position is important for the permanence of the result. As with all medical operations, performing tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) surgeries under the conditions of a full-fledged hospital with specialist doctors is the first priority step. Since tummy tuck operations are not a type of weight loss method, it is recommended to control the weight and not to gain weight frequently. Return to work and social life after surgery takes 3-4 weeks, depending on the person’s body structure and recovery speed.

Not lifting heavy objects and not resorting to intense physical activities immediately after the healing process also provide great benefits for a healthy recovery period. In addition to seeing yourself happier in the mirror, tummy tuck surgery is an excellent solution for correcting defects that cannot be eliminated by other methods due to the positive reactions you will receive from the people around you.

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